Customer Service
Customer Service Department
Congratulations on your new home purchase with Kay Builders! Your satisfaction is our top priority. To ensure a smooth transition, our dedicated customer service department is here to introduce you to your new home and its features. We are also available to address any concerns you may have during and after settlement.
On the day of your settlement you will meet with our Customer Service Representative who will walk with you through your soon-to-be new home to make sure the options you have chosen are present and everything is working properly. At this time, a list will be compiled of areas that need attention.
We will demonstrate and explain how your appliances, fireplace, water heater, and heating and cooling systems operate and answer any questions you may have. Based on industry standards areas identified by you, as needing attention will be addressed within 60 days. Exceptions would be for items that are subject to availability, such as backordered items; and/or weather conditions. We ask for your patience during this time and as soon as the items are obtained, we will contact you to schedule our service technician to install them.
You will be asked to acknowledge that the work which has been performed on your home meets your satisfaction. We realize that during your Pre-settlement walk-through, you are given a lot of information to absorb. It is our goal to meet your needs and expectations. Therefore, we encourage you to contact your Sales Manager with any questions you may have.
Kay Builders Limited Warranty
Kay Builders provides a Limited Warranty for ten full years, which is also transferrable upon the sale of your home. In your first year, we warrant that all items will function and operate and that Kay Builders will return to repair items needing attention. In the second year, we warrant that specific portions of the Heating, Cooling, Ventilating, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems will function and operate as presented in the Warranty Standards. The Ten Year Coverage applies to major structural items. Please take the time to read and familiarize yourself with your warranty book to learn more about the specifics of the warranty coverage. It has a wealth of information that we are sure you will find informative and useful.
Year End Assessment
Kay provides a second opportunity to address items in your home that are concerns. This takes place eleven months after your settlement when Kay will send a letter requesting you to complete a Year End List detailing any items that may not meet your expectations. The letter is a follow-up notice, the Year-end list can be found in your Homeowner’s Manual. Utilizing industry standards, Kay’s customer service department will schedule the necessary repairs to be completed. Our goal is for your home to meet your expectations and have you as a satisfied customer.
Weather Conditions
Depending on weather conditions, your yard, landscaping, driveway, and sidewalks may not be completed when you move into your new home. As soon as the weather conditions permit we will complete those items. We ask for your patience and believe me, it will be well worth the wait.